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Queen of the Forest: Amanita Muscaria & the Shamanic Journey

The shamanic journey is a meditative journey into non-ordinary reality to receive healing, guidance and blessings. The drum is often used as a tool to expand consciousness and help guide you to other realms to connect with your helping spirits and allies. Rattles, singing, dancing can also be used as tools in journeying. Shamanism is over 40,000 years old and I believe it is still around today because it works and gives results to help us live fulfilling lives.

I went on my first drum guided shamanic journey when I was 19 years old studying in Scotland. I met a shamanic teacher there and as he taught me to meet my power animal guide, I was amazed with how much I was able to receive from this helping ally that communicated with me through the other realm. Empowerment and magic are two seeds that began to grow in my life at that time as a result of this journey. Connecting with the other realms brought back a sense of wonder about being alive and helped me reclaim power that I had lost. I fell in love with this work and knew I had found my path, going on to become a Firewalking instructor, Reiki master and Breathwork practitioner during my time in Scotland. I began to visit sacred sites around the world and continued to study energy healing and work with shamans and wisdom keepers. The plants came in strongly and I began to apprentice with them, to offer ceremonies for groups and create vibrational remedies with them to support healing multidimensionally and empower well-being. 

You too can go on a shamanic journey to communicate with the spirit, the essence, and the intelligence of the Plant/animal/teacher you wish to work with. Since I was 16 I have been working with sacred mushrooms for soul healing and for the past 5 years Amanita Muscaria has come into my life as a teacher, healer and guide. My experience with her is filled with beauty. She helped me heal and clear my energy field on my first encounter with her in a forest in New Zealand. After that she started to come into my dreams and the relationship started to deepen in Finland and now the Pyrenees. 

From mystical tales of ancient Soma, Santa Claus, drinking Reindeer urine and going on magical flights, to fears of poisoning that command respect, Amanita inspires a lot within our hearts. Are you feeling drawn to cultivate more magic in your life? Are you feeling the need to call your power back? Join me in ceremonial space for you to go on a shamanic journey to meet with the spirit of Amanita to receive what it is she wishes to share with you to enhance the empowerment and magic in YOUR life. It will happen this Saturday for the Samhain full moon, festival of the Ancestors when the veils are at their thinnest and connection to Spirit is strong. You will be guided to take your shamanic journey and ritually start the Celtic New Year from a place of heart connection to Nature and your true self, with the wise council of Amanita. Visit Circles page for details to sign up. Warmly welcome!

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